Already two and a half months have passed, that I am in Sri Lanka.Time flies by. Thanks to numerous donations I could start immediately. I would like to present with this report my work: As always the children were expecting me happy and I was able to continue immediately with the therapy. Almost everybody did their homework.
Of course, very quickly the voice spread around that "Sudunona" (white woman) is back again in
the country of the SMILE to help the local children. Almost daily new mothers come with their children and ask to get treatment ,
advice and help.
About 40 children once a week coming now to the Peraliya Health Centre for therapy.
The following project ideas that I have set myself, I was able to achieve so far:
This all would not happen without all the lovely people who are with me and support me either financially or in any other ways.
To all those a big thank you from the bottom of my heart !!
Thank you for the big year ,for the wonderful time,
for so much love , so much life and for what remains...
A small Word - THANK YOU! -
goes to YOU,
because all big words for everything i would like to say,
are too small for that.
So far from Sri-Lanka and some fotos,
greetings from my heart,
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